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01 – No-Code Calculator GUI in Delphi


  • Good day, Delphi developers and other developers.
  • Welcome to Delphi Tube from Qasim Shahzad.
  • Let’s create a no-code calculator GUI in Delphi in no time. It’s possible!
  • Let’s start.

Creating the Form

  • From the File menu, select “New” and choose a Windows VCL application.
  • We’ll rename the form to “frmMain”.
  • Change the caption to “No-Code Calculator GUI In Delphi.”
  • Save the form as “frmMainU.pas”
  • For the project, use “NoCodeCalculatorGUIInDelphi”.

Adding the Edit Box

  • We need an edit box for the calculator screen.
  • Rename the edit box to “edtScreen”.
  • Set the text property to “0”
  • Align the edit box with the margins (8 pixels on all sides).
  • Align it to the top.
  • Change the font size to 18 and set the text alignment to left-justified.

Resizing the Form

  • The calculator should have a wider width than height.
  • Change the width to 300 pixels and the height to 400 pixels.
  • Center the form on the screen using the “Position” property set to “poScreenCenter.”

Applying a Style

  • Go to Project > Options > Appearance.
  • Select a custom style, like “Ruby Graphite” to improve the visual appeal.

Adding the Touch Keyboard

  • We’ll use a virtual keyboard instead of individual buttons.
  • Search for “Touch Keyboard” in the component palette and add it to the form.
  • Rename it to “tkbdCalc”.
  • Align the keyboard to the client area (all sides).
  • Add a small margin on all sides for better spacing.

Running the Application

  • Run the application to see the initial GUI with the keyboard.

Optimizing the Layout

  • The keyboard might affect the form size.
  • Set keyboard Layout to Numpad.
  • Adjust the form’s height and width back to 500 pixels each if needed.

Functionality and Conclusion

  • This video focused on creating the GUI without code.
  • Adding functionality like calculations requires event handling on the edit box key presses.
  • Briefly explain how to handle key presses (dot limitation, adding numbers, etc.).
  • The benefit is the quick creation of a visually appealing GUI.


  • Thank you for reading! Please like, subscribe, comment, and share.
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What Is The Smallest Pascal Program

The Smallest Pascal Program

What Is The Smallest Pascal Program

Have you ever wondered what could be the smallest Pascal program? Let us create the smallest Pascal program in Delphi. Watch video for complete steps.

Go to File >> New >> Console Application. It will create this boilerplate code, but we don’t need all this code for the smallest Pascal program. Let us delete this from here to here. Delete this section also. Let’s press Control+D to format the source code. Now we have only three lines.

For the project’s name, we can save this project as A. Browse for the output folder and save this project as A. Let’s overwrite it.

So this is our smallest Pascal program. You see, it has only four words. Three out of these four words are “Reserved Words.” That is, PROGRAM, BEGIN and END. “A” is the possible shortest name of a program. We cannot use space or numeric characters.


You can use a lowercase “a” to make it even smaller. 😉

Do You Know What Is Pascal Main Loop?

Just like we have a  MAIN loop in C, Java, and other languages, we have a main Loop in Pascal. It starts from BEGIN and ends with this END and a full-stop, not a semicolon. So this “BEGIN” with this “END” act like a main loop in Pascal.

What Will The Smallest Pascal Program Do?

Of course, it will do nothing. It will just run and go away. If you execute it, you see it just displays for a fraction of a second, and then it closes immediately. We cannot even see the output window.

What Is The Size Of The Executable File?

Let us see its output file. Go to the project folder. Go to the Win32 folder. Go to debug folder. Here is our output file of 248 kilobytes. It is small software with 248 kilobytes, and this is the only code in it. Still, it’s a large file because we have some debugging information inside it.

How To Change The Delphi Output Settings From Debugging To Release?

If we go to build instead of debug, we change build-settings to release. Again run it and again check this file in the Win32 Release folder. We can see it is only 45 kilobytes now. So this software will be only 45 kilobytes, and we can even distribute it to others.

How To Stop The Smallest Pascal Program From Closing?

It is the simplest and the smallest Pascal program, but it does nothing. It does not even allow us to see the output. So let’s add some functionality.

First, let’s add some ReadLine so that it does not close automatically and waits for us to press the ENTER key. If we run it, we can see it is waiting for the ENTER key. If we press the ENTER key, it will close.

How To Make A Hello World Pascal Program

Now let us add a Write Line statement. Let us have it display our famous “Hello World.” Add a semicolon at the end. Save it, and let us rerun it. Now we have a software complete, software “Hello World” Pascal program waiting for an ENTER key. It will close if we press ENTER.

Check The Size of The Program After Adding Hello WorldCheck The Size of The Delphi Program After Adding Hello World

Let us see the size of this smallest Pascal Hello World Program. Teaching release, and it’s about 50 kilobytes. So it’s almost the smallest Pascal program and smallest in this sense also that it initially has only one, two, three, or four more words. Click this link to see Lazarus components usage.

So if we remove this functionality, the essential software basic Pascal program is only four words. It was our example of the first hello world and the smallest possible program. I hope you enjoyed it.

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Kainaat InPage To Unicode Converter

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Kainaat InPage To Unicode Converter is a lightning-fast Trouble Free InPage Urdu To Unicode Text Converter. If you have InPage Urdu installed on your computer, you must also have this helpful tool. It also cleans up and frees InPage Urdu text from several common errors. You can easily order this product now. It initially supported Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, and Windows ME.  Continue reading Kainaat InPage To Unicode Converter

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Unicode to Inpage Converter

Unicode to InPage Converter software converts Unicode text to InPage Urdu. It works quickly and easily. InPage Urdu is the market standard for printing, publishing, news & media. Thus, this software is a must-have tool for all professionals. Furthermore, if you are related to the Urdu language, this software will help you.

Continue reading Unicode to Inpage Converter

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