UrduKit® is a mega software package for Urdu information processing and media production needs. UrduKit® contains many useful features that save your time and effort. Vast and efficient tools of UrduKit® helps in Urdu Text Processing, Information Production, Web Development, Urdu Publishing, Media Management, Urdu Authoring, Database Development & Social Media Production needs. Every Urdu user needs some of its functionality on daily basis that is why UrduKit® is also known as The Compulsory Urdu Software.
Tools Overview
UrduKit® comprises of many software tools. New and improved tools are included in each release. Current release of UrduKit® includes following important & useful tools.
Inpage to Unicode Convertor software helps you to convert InPage Urdu documents to Unicode standard quickly and easily.
Unicode To Inpage Convertor software helps you to convert Unicode standard documents to InPage Urdu quickly and easily.
Urdu Text Cleaner software helps you to clean-up and normalize Urdu text in a standardized fashion.
English To Urdu Dictionary software is the most comprehensive and giant electronic dictionary for windows PC.
Easy Word Finder software helps you to quickly locate Urdu meanings of any English word in any software or webpage.